Gemini AI

What is Google’s Gemini AI? | Full Guide

Do you know that? Google recently launched a new multimodal AI model, “Gemini AI” that will understand and identify text, photos, music, video, and code. Everything you need to know about Gemini will be covered in our article, including what it is. how it operates, how strong it is, and what it will be able to do.

What Is Gemini?

Gemini is a new and strong artificial intelligence model by Google that can recognize not only text but also photos, videos, and sounds. It can complete challenging problems in math, physics, and other subjects. It may also be used in various types of programming languages to learn and generate high-quality code.

Read Our Blog: The Future Of Work: AI And Automation’s Impact On Employment

What are the different versions of Gemini?

Gemini AI

The model has three confirmed sizes: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano; each of them has their own set of capabilities.

Gemini Nano:

This model’s size is designed to operate on smartphones, especially the Google Pixel 8. It is designed to carry out AI-intensive on-device functions (such as text summarization and reply suggestion within chat apps). Without requiring a connection to other servers.

Gemini Pro:

Gemini Pro can run on the latest version of Bard. It has the ability to process complex questions and respond quickly. 

Gemini Ultra:

Google says that the Gemini Ultra is the most qualified model. Even though it is currently not ready for public use. According to Google, Gemini Ultra outperforms the “state-of-the-art on 30 of the 32 commonly used academic benchmarks used in the creation and research of large language models (LLMs).”

Gemini Ultra is the first model to surpass human specialists in this domain, with an MMLU (massive multitask language understanding) score of 90.0%. The MMLU analyzes general knowledge and problem-solving skills in 57 subject areas, including math, physics, history, law, medicine, and ethics.

Gemini AI

Is Gemini AI better than ChatGPT?

Gemini AI
  • The most advanced AI ChatGPT 4.0 contains 1.75 trillion parameters. Gemini, on the other hand, is said to exceed this figure. Reports say it will have 30 trillion or even 65 trillion parameters. However, the strength of an AI system is more than just large parameter values.
  • Google says that Gemini Ultra had an MMLU score of 90%, while GPT-4 received a score of 86.4%.
  • According to a SemiAnalysis study, Gemini is going to “smash” ChatGPT 4.0. Gemini may become up to five times more powerful than ChatGPT 4.0 by the end of 2023, according to SemiAnalysis.

FAQ’s for Gemini AI

Q: Who designed Gemini?

Google and Alphabet designed this super cool Gemini AI, which is the corporation’s most powerful AI model ever. Google DeepMind also assisted in developing Gemini.

Q: How can you use Gemini AI?

A refined version of Gemini Pro is now used by Google Bard, which is compatible with Pixel devices. In the upcoming months, Google intends to release it for Chrome, Duet AI, Ads, and Search. Developers can access Gemini Pro starting on December 13 through Google Cloud Vertex AI or Google AI Studio’s Gemini API.

Check Our Blog: Artificial Intelligence: What is AI Marketing?

Q: What things can Gemini AI do?

It operates numerous functions, as vast as it’s consumption of data. Think of:

  1. Personalized medical diagnosis: Provides more precise and detailed diagnoses through the analysis of multimodal data, such as medical scans and patient histories.
  1. Interactive storytelling: Using Gemini’s ability for language, sound, and image, you can make compelling stories that relate to your choices and thoughts.
  1. Natural language-based code generation: Software development has become easier by converting your concepts into code that follows commands in natural language.
  1. Improved search engines: Deliver incredibly useful outcomes by combining your search history, visual hints, and query wording.
  1. Recognize languages visually: If you show Gemini a live video feed of a music score with Italian notation, it will quickly figure out what it means and explain it to you.


Google has made a great impact with the launch of Gemini AI. This new multimodal AI is more precise and has a vast array of abilities that outsmart GPT-4. It does not stop here; We will discover more mind-blowing abilities of Gemini Ultra. Gemini will be used by programmers to write, automate, and improve cloud and edge operations and boost sales. It will incorporate into futuristic Google tech smartphones, applications, APIs, and much more. It will also be used to build chatbots and AI assistants.

Read Our Blog: The Role Of AI In Cyber Security: A Double-Edged Sword

AI in cyber security

The Role Of AI In Cyber Security: A Double-Edged Sword

We live in a world where the role of AI in cyber security is revolutionising by improving threat detection and prevention capabilities.  As we indulge in the dark side of AI, we shed light on how technology may be used for bad objectives like making self-driving weapons, abusing social media, or sharing misleading information.  You’ll see in this article why some scientists fear it could present a larger threat than nuclear weapons.

Pros and Cons of AI in Cyber security

AI has massive effects on cyber security, both in terms of improving protection and introducing new difficulties and hazards. So lets take a brief look on whether cyber security is good or bad for us?

Pros of AI in Cyber security

AI in cyber security
  1. AI-powered cybersecurity systems can analyse vast amounts of data in real time, allowing for speedy and accurate threat identification
  2. Removing compromised systems, stopping criminal activities, and launching cleanup processes are all examples of computerized responses.
  3. Algorithms for artificial intelligence can learn from fresh data indefinitely and react to changing dangers. This continuous learning mechanism guarantees that cybersecurity safeguards stay current and effective in the face of new attack strategies.
  4. Based on past data and current patterns, AI may predict possible security flaws and hazards.
  5. AI-driven cyber security products excel at quickly spotting suspicious activity, analysing network activity constantly, and doing real-time threat analysis.

Cons of AI in Cybersecurity

AI in cyber security
  1. False alerts or fake negatives (failing to identify real threats) produced by AI systems might result in the waste of resources or the neglect of dangers.
  2. It can be challenging and expensive to integrate AI into the current cybersecurity architecture.
  3. Insufficient or inaccurate data might result in incorrect conclusions and reduce the effectiveness of threat detection.
  4. AI-driven cyber security solutions bring up moral issues, including privacy concerns and decision-making biases.
  5. By altering input data, cybercriminals might try to trick AI systems, leading to false conclusions and failed security.

How AI in Cyber security is a Double Edge Sword?

AI in cyber security

Just imagine you’re normally doing your work and suddenly your system starts playing scary music, then it starts to blink, and suddenly it shuts down entirely without any warning. Imagine this on a large scale; the malfunction will be frightening. Here are some reasons why some researchers think AI might be even more hazardous than nuclear weapons:

Combat with AI

Imagine a day when AI-controlled robotic arms fight wars instead of people.  In the wrong hands, these robot arms may theoretically be designed to murder without any human involvement, making them a very lethal instrument.

AI and social engineering

The dangers of AI extend beyond the physical world. It presents a serious risk in both the physical and digital realms. Imagine an AI with the power to influence social media platforms, disseminate false information, and significantly destabilize civilizations on a larger scale than we have seen in recent years. Isn’t it a terrifying thought?

AI Rules and Ethics

When it comes to AI in particular, immense power also comes with enormous responsibility. It’s vital that we think about the moral effects of this technology’s evolution as it develops further. To guarantee that AI is utilized properly and not negatively, stronger oversight is required.

Check out our blog The Future Of Work: AI And Automation’s Impact On Employment

Future of AI in Cyber Security

AI in cyber security

Artificially generated neural networks may one day be used to increase the security of a system or an organisation by gradually understanding the patterns involved. It basically looks for possible dangers that share a similar property, and those that are found are immediately stopped. When combined with cyber security, artificial intelligence technology makes it challenging for hackers to break into something because the technology constantly learns from different situations, making it challenging for them to surpass the system’s intelligence as it advances through the learning process.


The role of AI systems in cyber security is to cut through huge amounts of information, identify trends, and make sensible choices in real-time. AI has the potential to greatly enhance human lives and advance science. But if it is not properly managed and regulated, technology may become dangerous. We must be cautious when developing and using AI. To stop abuse and keep control of this deadly technology, stronger oversight is required.

Read our article The Future Of IT: Predictions For The Next Decade

AI and Automation

The Future Of Work: AI And Automation’s Impact On Employment

In today’s world, AI and automation play an important role in the employment sector, as our daily tasks are dependent on artificial intelligence.  Our future is reliant on AI because it’s an agent for development and innovation. It has the potential to increase productivity because of its power to handle and evaluate huge amounts of data.

Will AI and Automation Make Or Break The Chances of Employment?

The real question is whether AI and automation will be able to generate or abandon employment opportunities. AI and automation can provide multiple advantages, including increased productivity, efficiency, and better security and quality. However, technology like this also creates difficulties and has the potential to harm the financial system and employment market, resulting in job losses, income inequality, and reliance on technology. Let’s see the following future prediction of AI’s role in employment:

Positive Impact on Employment

1. Job Opportunities:

Automation can also lead to new job opportunities’ in industries such as software development, technology, and robotics. As computers and software get more complex, so does the demand for trained employees to develop, program, and maintain them.

2. Human interaction:

Human interaction may be reduced as a result of automation since computers and software can’t duplicate the intimate and emotional relationships humans can deliver. Customer satisfaction may suffer as a result, particularly in businesses that rely largely on human contact, such as medical services, client service, and marketing. So you can’t say that in the future, AI will completely replace humans in the employment sector.

3. Overly dependent on technology:

As AI and automation become more common, it can lead to an excessive dependence on technology, which can be troublesome if the equipment malfunctions or breaks down. Then, obviously, we’ll need humans to keep up with the work.

4. Demand for skilled workers:

In the field of data sciences, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will be extremely useful in the future. Despite AI’s ability to speed up certain data processing activities in various sectors, the demand for qualified AI engineers, machine learning engineers, and data analyst’s remains strong due to the complexity of their jobs. This work entails duties such as analysing data, using machine learning, and making decisions based on insight from data.

Negative Impact on Employment

1. Employment Losses:

Because AI and automation can execute many jobs more effectively and precisely than people, this may result in employment losses in some industries, such as manufacturing and assembly line labor. This can lead to joblessness and underemployment, especially among those with less education and skills.

2. Decreased negotiating power for workers:

Because firms may be able to lower labour costs by replacing labour with machines, automation may lead to decreased bargaining power for workers. Workers may face reduced earnings and reduced benefits as a result of this.

Also, read our article Artificial Intelligence: What is AI Marketing?

3. Occupation displacement:

As a result of AI and automation in the future, people may need to learn new skills or update to work in a different industry when their existing job becomes outdated. Employees may face severe financial hardship as a result of this, which may be especially tough for elderly workers or those with little education and abilities.

4. Community disruption:

Automation may result in the displacement of labour and the closing of companies, both of which can have bad effects on entire towns. This can lead to greater poverty and social instability in countries that rely largely on automated industries.

Future Prediction Of AI and Automation’s Impact On Employment By 2030

  • It’s predicted that automation could replace around 15% of global employees, or over 400 million jobs, between 2016 and 2030.
  • In October 2020, the World Economic Forum projected that, while AI will likely eliminate 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025, it will also create 97 million new jobs in industries including huge amounts of data and machine learning, information protection, and digital marketing.
  • AI and automation will touch nearly all jobs, although only approximately 5% of occupations will be totally automated by today’s technology.
  • By 2030, around 3% of worldwide employment will need to shift into different jobs, with possibilities ranging from 0% to 14 percent.
  • According to the McKinsey Global Institute, over 70% of organizations’ will use at least one form of AI technology by 2030, with less than half of major companies using the whole range of AI technologies.


AI and automation have created a huge influence on the employment market, both favorably and badly. Automation’s overall influence on the labour market is complex, as it varies by sector, job type, and region. Professions that involve repetitive work or can be quickly replaced by technology are more likely to be automated, whereas professions that need human abilities such as creativity, problem-solving, and interaction with others are less likely to be automated. Well, the world is changing and the population is increasing, so we’ll need AI and automation in the future in order to complete our daily tasks!

Read our article Advances in Machine Learning Ascribes AI Progress

future of IT

The Future Of IT: Predictions For The Next Decade

Our world is changing day by day with the evolution of AI and new technologies, so prepare yourself for the future of IT in the next decade. The Information Technology (IT) sector revolves around the use of computers to automate and digitize tasks.

So in the near future, you’ll be experiencing magnificent changes by 2025 in multiple sectors, like advancements in AI, machine learning (ML), and introducing new technologies to reduce barriers and develop industries, businesses, healthcare, and other sectors. 

Top 10 Predictions of Future of IT Evolution

IT increases the speed and efficiency of work while also providing the services that today’s customers want. As we approach the start of a new age, it is both fascinating and necessary to be aware of the trends that will influence the next decade in the field of information technology (IT). You’ll need to know the following predictions about IT that will impact the next decade:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

future of IT

We know that AI and machine learning (ML) already have a great influence on our lives, and over the next decade, by 2030, AI will seamlessly integrate into our existence. Artificial intelligence may help organizations predict—and improve—outcomes by detecting patterns in large amounts of previously unused data, both organized and unorganized. These insights assist those in charge in identifying new markets and goods, optimizing pricing, improving accuracy in forecasting, and much more.

  • Healthcare: AI and machine learning have the ability to transform patient care in the healthcare business through enhanced diagnoses, treatment, and illness management. For example, AI systems may detect early indications of cancer, enabling doctors to begin therapy before the disease grows.
  • Finance: AI can detect illegal activities and send warnings in real time by analyzing huge amounts of financial data.
  • Education: Technology has the potential to enhance students’ learning experiences. AI systems will analyze student data to detect areas of difficulty and provide specific guidance. ML can also create adaptive learning systems that adapt to a student’s learning style.

2. Robotics

The growth of robotics has been an amazing adventure, and we should expect more creative and intelligent robots in the coming decade. They’ll be working in manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation, employed at factories to conduct accurate and speedy operations such as welding processes, painting, and product assembly. Robots will be employed in healthcare for duties such as surgical operations, pharmaceutical delivery, and patient monitoring. Approximately 51 million people’s jobs might be replaced by robots by 2030, when 20 million of these robots will be in use globally. We expect to see more robots in everyday life, yet they may not take over the world.

3. IOT (Internet of things)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been quickly increasing in recent years and is predicted to continue to rise in the future of IT. IoT generates new techniques to collect data and analyze it. As more devices connect to the internet, the volume of data created by the IoT is predicted to grow tremendously.

Understanding their consumers helps them optimize their operations, but it also introduces new security and privacy issues. Moreover, the enormous volume of data generated by IoT presents storage and processing issues. The next decade will witness an increase in green data centers, renewable hardware, and software products created with the environment in mind. 

4. 5G Revolution

One of the future IT technological improvements that we haven’t even begun to imagine requires lightning-fast connection speed with a low lag of 5G. The next significant development in mobile telecommunications standards beyond the present 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard is the fifth-generation (5G) network, which operates at speeds of 1–10 Gbps (1Gbit = 1000 Mbit).

It concerns a future in which smooth IoT device communication, real-time data sharing, and the absence of delay are the norm. As cities grow smarter and vehicles become automated, 5G will be the unseen force driving the next decade of IT.

  • 5G technology will serve 40% of the world by 2024. This is equivalent to 25% of global smartphone traffic statistics.
  • A typical 5G network will be able to handle millions of users per square mile. This is a significant improvement over the thousands of users per square mile supported by 4G networks.
  • 5G will generate $12.3 trillion in worldwide GDP by 2035. It will also sustain 22 million employees worldwide.

5. Cyber security Evolution

In the coming decade, cyber security will experience a revival with the rise of AI-powered security solutions and the immediate detection of threats. As we’ll rely on more artificial intelligence for crucial operations, AI systems will undoubtedly become a key target for hackers. Forcing future cyber security software and staff to create strategies to detect and combat AI corruption attempts.

AI will be used by cybersecurity developers to repair flaws and spot security concerns before they can be exploited.

6. Quantum Computing

As the future of IT in the next decade comes to a close, these computational titans may become the norm, solving previously unresolved issues. Quantum computers, which use quits that may exist in several states at the same time, are expected to transform data processing. Quantum power will reach the same level as super computing power and cloud services with comparable security standards.

7.  (NLP) Advancement

In the coming decade of IT, NLP may develop, allowing robots to fully understand and process natural language more correctly. As a result, machines will undertake difficult activities such as article authoring, document summarization, and even creative content generation. NLP allows machines to read human language and respond in ways that are similar to man-like interactions.

8. VR and AR

They are both new technologies in IT that make people feel as if they are experiencing the simulated world directly. AR can be utilized for educational purposes in online museums, galleries, exploration centers, and theaters.

Visual experience in surgery and flight simulation will be possible in the approaching decade of IT. Virtual reality systems, like Virtual Ship, train the United States Army, Coast Guard, and Navy. Some projected uses during the next decade include:

  • Therapies for PTSD
  • Treatment of pain
  • Employment and instruction
  • Paraplegics treatment
  • Teamwork in the workplace

AR augments real-world views with digital pictures. This is often an app that interacts with camera lenses. Typically, the overlay pictures mix into reality in such a way that consumers can easily distinguish them. The Importance of Augmented Reality in the Near Future:

  • Augmented reality enables a 3D picture of a brain to help surgeons in surgery. 
  • Pilots in the military wear AR helmets to see crucial statuses such as speed and altitude.
  • Will allow you to visualize how furniture might appear in your room. You may accomplish this by first scanning or photographing your home and then adding an image of the furnishings.

9. Chatbot advancement 

A chatbot is a program whose primary function is to replicate human dialogue. As we move closer to the future, AI and human-looking chatbots are here to serve you with multiple solutions to any problem. Because most of our jobs are now based on IT, we may witness the following effects of chatbots on our lives in the future:

  • 85% of consumer contacts will be handled by chatbots 
  • 50% of large corporations will spend far more on chatbots compared to mobile applications. 
  • Chatbot discussions will save businesses $8 billion.
  • By 2024, the worldwide market value of chatbots will be $1.3 billion.

10. Block chain

This technology extends well beyond banking, and we may expect to see additional sectors use it in the next few years. We should expect to see many more fascinating and inventive blockchain applications as the technology evolves and matures. Healthcare providers may improve patient care while respecting patient privacy by utilizing blockchain to build a secure and tamper-proof record of medical data.  

Companies may boost efficiency, cut costs, and enhance accountability by utilizing blockchain to generate a safe and open record of every transaction in the supply chain. This is especially significant in businesses where accountability and traceability are critical, like food and beverage.

Predicted Advancements in Future of IT 

  • Self-driving cars will become the norm in the coming decade as IT evolves and artificial intelligence algorithms improve.
  • AI-powered devices can evaluate massive quantities of patient data. Create customized treatment plans for patients, improving their outcomes and lowering healthcare costs.
  • IT techniques can aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The development of environmentally friendly farming methods and the optimization of energy usage in buildings
  • Green data centers, ecological hardware, and software programs created with the environment in mind are going to grow over the next decade.
  • Gaming, augmented reality, and virtual reality are poised to transform technology. Consider attending worldwide conferences from the comfort of your own home or enjoying a virtual tour of history.


Now we have a clear idea that the future of IT will have a great impact on our daily lives in the next decade. The opportunities are thrilling and almost limitless. From the continuous progress of AI and robots to the possible influence of blockchain and quantum computing. We must also be conscious of the obstacles and hazards that these breakthroughs bring. Such as cybersecurity threats and environmental issues. Over the next decade, AI is predicted to have a significant influence on industries and people in general. Organizations will reap the advantages of this transformational technology that embraces AI and implements plans for responsible and ethical AI.

Read Our Blog on Advances in Machine Learning Ascribes AI Progress

Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence

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